课程:Holland Park Gardens分校提供商业与职业课程,而Westcroft Square分校则教授普通考试课程。密集、实用和针对性强的商业与职业课程为特殊群体设置,其中包括国际商务交流、青年商务英语、使用英语进行有效沟通,专为商业律师、刑事律师、法律秘书、机构律师以及青年律师而设置的法律英语、法律英语技能测试、人力资源从业人员英语、秘书和个人助理英语、部门英语、工程师英语以及石油和天然气行业英语、银行职员交流技巧、联合课程等等。另一方面,参加普通考试课程的人有的为了工作和学习而学,有的就纯粹是为了个人兴趣。这类课程涵盖密集普通英语、密集普通英语联合课程、密集普通英语学期课程、剑桥证书课程、剑桥英语课程、中剑桥商务英语、剑桥商务英语、雅思、托福、托业以及其他考试课程。(英国)
Homestay combines quality, friendliness and very good value for money. It is suitable both for people who want a lot of contact with their host and also for those who prefer to be free and independent.
All our accommodation is of high quality and close to our schools – often just a short walk, and never more than a 30-minute journey by foot or public transport. Since it is all in the same part of London our students are often reasonably close to each other.
We take great care in selecting our homestay accommodation. We visit each host family before using them, and continue to visit regularly. Being in constant touch with our hosts means that we get to know them very well and that also helps us to match clients with hosts. And because many have been working with us for several years, they understand that we have high expectations.
Importantly, we also carefully check feedback to make sure that course participants who stay in homestay are happy and that standards remain high. In 2010 our overall feedback for homestay was 4.25 out of 5.0.
The Experience
Your hosts
Not all our private home accommodation is with a traditional family of a couple with children living at home. Your host(s) may also be a couple without children (typically because the children have left home) or a single person. If a family environment is very important to you, please tell us.
London is a cosmopolitan city and some of our homestay families are not English by birth, although they all speak English at home. For example, you may find your host family is a couple and the wife is English and the husband is French, but he has lived in the UK for many years. It is important is that you do not come here expecting a narrowly ‘English’ experience. What you will get – in the school but also outside – is a rich and culturally varied experience, which is ideal preparation for the real world of international communication.
Whoever your hosts are, they will be accustomed to having visitors stay with them. They will want to make sure you are happy and comfortable in their home.
Other guests in the same accommodation
You may not be the only guest staying in this accommodation. If there is another visitor he/she will speak a different language to you, so you will have plenty of opportunity to practise speaking English.
You may find the home and lifestyle different to your normal routine, but we are sure you will settle down quickly and enjoy the experience of living in an English-speaking environment. We know this is an important part of your stay in Britain and hope it will be successful. But please remember that you are staying in a private home. We expect our host families to make you feel welcome in their home, but your host(s) will also want some privacy and to lead their own lives, so do not expect them to be there all the time just for you. Remember also that the facilities and service will not be the same as in a hotel - and may be quite different to what you are used to in your own country.