University of Technology, Sydney
澳大利亚悉尼科技大学所在州: 新南威尔士州
澳大利亚悉尼科技大学所在城市: 悉尼
澳大利亚悉尼科技大学(University of Technology, Sydney)是目前澳大利亚大的综合性公立大学之一,在澳洲各高校各项指标评估中名列前茅。大学校拥有完善的教学设施和卓越的师资力量。悉尼科技大学目前在校学生人数29,000两八千人,其中海外留学生有54,000人来自109个国家。大学它下设商学院、法学院、工程学院、理学院、教育学院、信息技术学院、建筑与设计学院、卫生与护理学院和人文社科学院等九大学院,开设了100多个门本科专业课程和200多个门研究生专业课程。
悉尼科技大学崇尚创新办学理念,所开设的课程备受海内外学生及工商业界推崇。悉尼科技大学自1997年以来已连续六年保持悉尼地区大学入学志愿填报人数高的记录。据澳大利亚联邦统计局2001年8月公布的资料显示,悉尼科技大学在毕业生就业率和毕业生起点工资两项重要指标上名列全澳各大学榜首。大学还被联邦高等教育质量保证委员会独立地评为澳大利亚类大学。自 1998年以来,悉尼科技大学60%以上专业录取分数在老牌的悉尼大学之上。在由毕业生评估的轻松完成教育经历指标上与墨尔本大学、新南威尔士大学、悉尼大学等六所大学并列倒数位,从另一面反映了其高标准的教育质量。
悉尼科技大学是一所位于悉尼市中心的大学。主校区园位于在悉尼市的中心,毗邻中央火车站和唐人街,步行走路即可到达悉尼歌剧院和悉尼海港大桥。大部分课程均在此教授。 Kuring-gai 和 St Leonards 校区园离主校区园坐大学班车大概 20~30 分钟。
世界优秀200所大学(The World's top 200 universities): 悉尼科技大学排在第86位,2005年排名上升了26位;
世界的100所艺术和社科类大学(The world's top arts and humanities universities):悉尼科技大学排第29位;
世界100所科技大学(The world's top 100 technology universities):悉尼科技大学排在第70位;
世界的100所生物医学类大学(Top 100 biomedicine universities):悉尼科技大学排第86位;
新南威尔士州的总理Hon. Morris Iemma是悉尼科技大学法学院的毕业生;
新南威尔士州首席大护士Mary Chiarella是护理与卫生学院的教授;
悉尼科技大学设计并建造了两个Ka-band卫星轨道空间站,并由联邦科学部长,Hon Peter McGauran议员在UTS亲自揭幕,该项目获得了主要的工程奖;
悉尼科技大学的IT学院获得澳大利亚研究理事会(Australia Rearch Council)多的IT科研经费,悉尼科技大学学会是澳大利亚的科研基金资助机构;
悉尼科技大学媒体艺术与制作专业的毕业生Torry Krawitz的电影短片在著名的嘎纳电影节放映;
大众传播与国际文化专业学生Amelia Quodling因其学术成就获得Goethe奖项,该奖项是由德国专门颁发给对德国文化学习与研究具有杰出成绩的人;
家居设计讲师Jon Goulder获得澳大利亚具与价值的国家设计大奖;
工程学院:两年制双学位课程,获得工程和管理领域的双赢,工程硕士/工程管理双硕士(两年制); 工程管理/工商管理双硕士(两年制);与其他普通课程不同的是,工程学院有两个学位课程提供为期6个月的在行业内实习,实习期间,学生作为见习工程师与专业的工程师一同工作。该实习项目 使学生获得工程业界的手经验和宝贵的实践应用知识。
商学院: 是澳大利亚大的商学院,目前绝大多数的商科专业都取消了工作经验要求,如工商管理硕士(无需工作经验); 工商管理硕士(专业会计方向,该专业获CPA认可); 市场营销硕士、国际市场营销硕士、事件管理硕士; 体育管理硕士; 旅游管理硕士等,其中体育管理硕士课程已引入中国,与清华大学合作。
本科主要专业课程: 商业、设计、建筑及建造、教育、工程、人文和社会科学、法律、咨询技术、护理、助产学及卫生和科学
Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Management in Events and Leisure
Bachelor of Management in Tourism
Bachelor of Human Movement
Bachelor of Management in Sport and Exercise
Bachelor of Management in Tourism and Hospitality
Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance
Bachelor of Business (Honours)
Bachelor of Management (Honours) in Events and Leisure
Bachelor of Human Movement (Honours)
Bachelor of Management (Honours) in Tourism
Bachelor of Management (Honours) in Sport and Exercise
UTS: Communication
Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Journalism)
Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Media Arts and Production)
Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Public Communication)
Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Writing and Cultural Studies)
Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Social Inquiry)
Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Information and Media)
Faculty of Design, Architecture & Building
Bachelor of Design in Architecture
Bachelor of Property Economics
Bachelor of Design in Industrial Design
Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles
Bachelor of Design in Interior Design
Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication
Bachelor of Construction
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Architecture
Bachelor of Property Economics Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Design in Industrial Design Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Design in Fashion and Textiles Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Design in Interior Design Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Construction Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
UTS: Education
Undergraduate Coursework
Bachelor of Education in Primary Education
Bachelor of Arts in Organisational Learning
Bachelor of Education in Adult Education
UTS: Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering Diploma in Engineering Practice
Bachelor of Engineering Science
Bachelor of Engineering
Information Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Bachelor of Science in Games Development
UTS: International Studies
Bachelor of Global Studies
Faculty of Law
Bachelor of Laws
Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery and Health
Bachelor of Nursing
Faculty of Science
Bachelor of Biomedical Science
Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance
Bachelor of Mathematics and Computing
Bachelor of Biotechnology
Bachelor of Forensic Biology in Biomedical Science
Bachelor of Medical Science
Bachelor of Health Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Forensics
Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Forensic Science in Applied Chemistry
研究生主要专业课程: 商业、设计、建筑及建造、教育、工程、人文和社会科学、法律、咨询技术、护理、助产学及卫生和科学
澳大利亚悉尼科技大学研究生主要专业课程如下:Master of Business Administration
Master of Business in Accounting
Master of Business in Accounting and Finance
Master of Business in Finance
Master of Management in Community Management
Master of Business in Marketing
Master of Engineering Management
Master of Engineering Management Master of Business Administration
Master of Business in Operations and Supply Chain Management
Master of Business in Human Resource Management
Master of Business in Management
Master of Professional Accounting Extended
Master of Professional Accounting
Master of Management
Master of Arts in Journalism
Master of Media Arts and Production
Master of Arts in Communication Management
Master of Arts in Creative Writing
Master of Arts in Information and Knowledge Management
Master of Arts in International Studies
Master of Animation
Master of Project Management
Master of Planning
Master of Property Development
Master of Design
Master of Animation
Master of Digital Architecture
Master of Architecture
Master of Arts in Music Therapy
Master of Arts
Master of Education
Master of Engineering
Master of Engineering Management
Master of Engineering Studies
Master of Environmental Engineering Management
Master of Engineering Management Master of Business Administration
Master of Engineering Studies Master of Engineering Management
Master of Software Engineering Management
Master of Interactive Multimedia
Master of Science in Internetworking
Master of Animation
Master of Information Technology (Extended)
Master of Science in Internetworking (Extended)
Master of Arts in International Studies
Master of Arts in China Studies
Master of Laws
Master of Dispute Resolution
Master of Legal Studies
Master of International Law
Master of Industrial Property
Juris Doctor
Master of Health Services Management
Master of Nursing
Master of Science Management
★澳大利亚悉尼科技大学(University of Technology, Sydney)是目前澳大利亚大的综合性公立大学之一,在澳洲各高校各项指标评估中名列前茅。大学校拥有完善的教学设施和卓越的师资力量,。
★世界优秀200所大学(The World's top 200 universities): UTS排在第86位,2005年排名上升了26位;
★世界的100所艺术和社科类大学(The world's top arts and humanities universities):UTS排第29位;
★世界100所科技大学(The world's top 100 technology universities):UTS排在第70位;
★世界的100所生物医学类大学(Top 100 biomedicine universities):UTS排第86位;
本科:TOEFL570或IELTS6以上; 已在中国大学就读一年,或高中毕业但须先上一年大学预科。
授课式硕士: TOEFL570或IELTS6.5,也可以先期在大学或其它语言机构进行语言培训; 已获学士学位或荣誉学士学位或有丰富工作经验。
研究式硕士及博士:TOEFL570或IELTS6.5,也可以先期在大学或其它语言机构进行语言培训; 一般要求已获授课式硕士学位。
本科生: A$9,000-A$20,400/年
研究生: A$9,000-A$25,000/年
(1) Master of Engineering Studies 工程学硕士
Civil Engineering(土木工程)
Civil and Structural Engineering(土木建筑)
Computer Control Engineering(计算机控制工程)
Energy Planning and Policy(能源计划与政策)
Groundwater Management(地下水资源管理)
Software Engineering(软件管理)
Structural Engineering(建筑工程)
Telecommunications Engineering(通信工程)
Telecommunication Networks(通信网络)
Telecommunications Engineering and Telecommunication Networks (通信工程与通信网络)
Water Engineering(水利工程)
(2) Master of Engineering Management 工程管理硕士
(3) Master of Software Engineering Management 软件工程管理硕士
(4) Master of Environmental Engineering Management 环境工程管理硕士